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Chessboxing combines the ultimate mental and physical sports, with alternating rounds of chess and boxing. The position on the chessboard is preserved between chess rounds, so checkmate or knockout wins – whichever comes first! Each player has 12 minutes on his clock for all moves, so there is a maximum of 11 rounds: six four-minute chess and five three-minute boxing rounds.
The night’s line-up consisted of a heavyweight contest between Sergio “The Phoenix” Leveque and Tim Woolgar; a middleweight bout between Spain’s Daniel Lizarraga and Germany’s Sebastian Bauersfeld; and a rookie fight between Englishmen Johnny Higginson and Rob Gillies.
More fantastic pictures on this and previous chessboxing events can be found on the website of photographer James Bartosik.
White: Sergio “The Phoenix” Leveque vs Black: Tim Woolgar
The headline international bout was between English heavyweight champion,
Tim Woolgar, and the colossal Italian, Sergio “The Phoenix” Leveque.
Chess master Leveque (pictured above with coach Gianni Burci) prepares for
his chessboxing debut, marking the final step in his recovery from a horrendous
motorbike accident in 2005, when doctors doubted he would ever walk again. Leveque
has a clutch of boxing fights under his belt and has played in Italy’s
premier chess league; with a chess Elo rating of 2059, he was the favourite
to win by checkmate!
Englishman Woolgar, who was also promoting the event, stepped in as a replacement a month before the fight, when Leveque’s scheduled opponent had to withdraw for personal reasons. Woolgar’s Elo has doubled from 800 to 1600 in the past two years, and is still on an upwards trajectory.
Since establishing chessboxing in London two years ago, Tim Woolgar has arguably
done more for the profile of UK chess than anyone since Nigel Short challenged
Garry Kasparov in London for the 1993 world title! This latest event achieved
global media coverage on countless national TV networks, and chess organisers
should be encouraged to creatively leverage off this success to raise the profile
of the game in the mainstream media.
The game that followed was an excellent example of how the quality of the chess moves mirrored events in the preceding boxing round. Leveque drew the white pieces, which in chess bestows an advantage similar to the serve in tennis. He played the dangerous Wing Gambit to try to smash Woolgar’s French Defence. Woolgar, unfamiliar with the gambit, wisely declined the pawn. Both men were satisfied at the end of the opening chess round; Leveque had a positional advantage, whilst the out-rated Woolgar was ahead on the clock and had successfully defended against being quickly wiped out with the black pieces.
The chess set and furniture were then removed from the middle of the ring and the boxing commenced, when the Italian was slow to warm up and the more agile Woolgar had the upper hand. Then back to the chess; Woolgar solidified his position, frustrated his opponent and even ended the round on move 17 with the slightly more pleasant position, after Leveque failed to exploit Black’s dark square queenside weaknesses. But then Leveque got into his flow, and before the bell he caught Woolgar with a nasty right hook. The Englishman stayed on his feet but was still disorientated at the end of the round. His first move back at the board was a grave error which Leveque punished with bloody carnage uglier than anything ever seen in a boxing ring. The Black king denuded of its defences was checkmated on move 28. Game over!
Leveque,Sergio(2059) - Woolgar,Tim (1600) [C00]
ChessBoxing, London, 13.03.2010 [Rajko Vujatovic]
The following ChessBoxing game is an excellent example of how the quality of chess moves mirrors events in the preceding boxing round. Despite being heavily outrated by the colossal Italian master, Sergio "The Phoenix" Leveque, Englishman Tim Woolgar improved his position after having a better initial boxing round, but the reverse happened after he suffered a setback in the second boxing round. Each player has 12 minutes for all moves. There is a maximum of 11 chessboxing rounds: six four-minute chess rounds alternating with five three-minute boxing rounds. 1.e4 e6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4!? The Wing Gambit against the French Defence shows White's aggressive intentions; he is willing to sacrifice a wing pawn to remove one of Black's central pawns. 4...Nc6. Woolgar smells a rat; he is unfamiliar with the gambit and declines the pawn. A great pychological choice which makes the Italian use up a lot of time deciding how best to proceed. Accepting the pawn with 4...cxb4 gives a murky position after 5.a3 Nc6 6.axb4 Bxb4 7.c3 Be7 8.d4 White's pawn wedge on e5 gives compensation for the pawn, and play may continue 8...f6!? 9.Bd3 fxe5 10.dxe5 Qc7 11.Qe2 Nh6! unclear.; 4...c4!? is rare but I see nothing too wrong with this way of declining the pawn.
5.bxc5 Bxc5 6.d4 Bb6 7.c3 Bd7. 7...f6 is an interesting concept; however, Woolgar's coach advised him to keep the position closed to make it easier to play. 8.Na3 Nge7 9.Bd3
9...h6! A necessary and profound preparation for castling. The routine 9...0-0? is fascinating as it would be met with the standard 'Greek Gift' sacrifice 10.Bxh7+!! Kxh7 11.Ng5+ Kg8 (11...Kg6 12.h4! gives a devestating attack against Black's naked king, and threatens to win the queen with 13.h5 Kh6 14.Nxf7+ Kh7 15.Nxd8. After, for example, 12...Qc8 one of many ways to continue the attack is 13.Qg4 (13.h5+ Kh6 14.Qd3 Nf5 15.Nxe6+ Kh7 16.Qxf5+ Kg8 17.h6 fxe6 18.Qg6 also wins) 13...Nf5 14.h5+ Kh6 15.Nxf7+ Kh7 16.Qg6+ Kg8 17.Ng5 Rd8 18.Qf7+ Kh8 19.h6 Nxh6 20.Rxh6+ gxh6 21.Qh7#) 12.Qh5 with a mating attack. 12...Re8 13.Qh7+ Kf8 14.Qh8+ Ng8 15.Nh7+ Ke7 16.Bg5+ Nf6 (16...f6 17.Qxg7#) 17.Bxf6+ gxf6 18.Qxf6#; 9...Na5 is objectively best, but such ideas come only with grandmasterly experience of the French Defence. Woolgar has been taught not to move a piece twice in the opening, and that a 'knight on the rim is dim'.
10.Nb5 Bc7. End of round one (chess) leaves the higher rated Leveque with the better position but not the knockout blow he's looking for. Woolgar gets the better of boxing round 2 and then back to the chess! 11.0-0 a6 12.Nxc7+ Qxc7 13.Re1 0-0 14.Bf4? This is the wrong diagonal for the bishop which belongs on a3 to exploit the weakened queenside dark squares. Black now has a fine position. [14.Ba3!+/=]
14...Ng6 15.Bg3 Na5! 16.Rc1 Nc4 17.Qe2 Bb5! End of round three (chess). Woolgar finishes the chess round having expertly regrouped his pieces and outplayed the Italian master. Brilliant stuff from the underdog! 18.h4
18...h5?? Moments after being on the receiving end of a vicious right hook, Woolgar begins the chess round with a blunder! Although he played this move in seconds, he later reported that he felt he was thinking about it for a very long time! 18...Na3! exchanges White's dangerous light-squared bishop, without which any kingside attack is merely illusory. Black has a queenside positional advantage after 19.Bxb5 axb5! 19.Ng5! Black has no good defence to Qh5, threatening Qh7 mate! From this point on, the carnage on the chessboard is as ugly as anything ever seen in a boxing ring! 19...f6 20.exf6 gxf6 21.Bxc7 fxg5 22.Bxg6 Rf7 23.Qxh5 Rc8 24.Bxf7+ Kf8 25.Qh8+ Ke7 26.Qxc8 gxh4 27.Bh5 Bc6 28.Qd8#. Sergio Leveque wins by checkmate in round five. 1-0. [Click to replay]
The crowd gasps at the sight of blood on the board
Joe Riley used to coach the legendary Mike Tyson
Joe now imparts his expertise to the slightly smaller-framed contenders at
the London ChessBoxing club. “I saw that checkmate a mile off”,
he said. “Tim should have forced the exchange of light-squared bishops,
and then he’d be laughing, since White has no attack.” It’s
always so much easier being a kibitzer!
As always, the interval entertainment at a chessboxing event was itself worth the ticket price! Finnish Hula Hoop artiste Tiina Tuomisto performed mind-boggling contortions, whilst gyrating the hoops about her person in a paradoxical arrangement of orthogonal planes. Hula chess queen Jennifer Shahade should take note!
Then Count Indigo showed us what he could do with his vocal chords. The
Count is
reputedly related to surrealist artist Salvador Dali.
White: Daniel Lizarraga, Black: Sebastian Bauersfeld
The middleweight clash featured two highly toned athletes, “The Man
From Pamplona”
Daniel Lizarraga (right) against Berliner Sebastian Bauersfeld.
Bauersfeld was born to be a chessboxer – his grandfather was a chess master whilst his father was a former GDR boxing champion. Furthermore, he has a lucky name – Bauersfeld means ‘pawn square’ in German, literally ‘farmer field’. Lizarraga was looking for his second chessboxing victory. At his debut in December 2009, he narrowly defeated Bauersfeld’s stable-mate, Sascha Wandkowsky, by a points decision which went to the wire.
In the most tense match of the night, Lizarraga played the Fantasy Variation against Bauersfeld’s Caro-Kann. The chess advantage swayed back and forth – as soon as one fighter obtained the advantage, the other would doggedly defend until fortunes swayed. The tension ratcheted up every round and the crowd avidly followed the chess on the big screen.
Finally, the chess referee (and your author) declared a draw in round 11,
when after a gruelling 76 moves, both fighters were each left with only a rook
and king. [Click to replay the chess game]
Interspersed with the chess were five enthralling boxing rounds, where attack
and defence ebbed and flowed just as in the chess game. Without a knockout,
and with the chess a draw, the boxing points decision was awarded to Lizarraga.
Bauersfeld (left) is the first to congratulate the Spaniard, who
proudly returned to Pamplona with victory and a black eye!
Lizarraga,Daniel (1650) - Bauersfeld,Sebastien (1650) [B12]
ChessBoxing, London, 13.03.2010 [Rajko Vujatovic]
Each player has 12 minutes for all moves. There is a maximum of 11 chessboxing rounds: six four-minute chess rounds alternating with five three-minute boxing rounds. 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.f3. The Fantasy Variation! Lizarraga loves gambit play, but Bauersfeld is a solid guy who prefers to avoid complications. 3...dxe4 4.fxe4 Nd7 5.Bc4 Nb6 6.Bb3 Nf6 7.Nc3 Bg4 8.Nf3 Bh5 9.0-0 Bg6 10.Qe1 e6 11.Bg5. 11.e5! is a thematic idea, when White is clearly better after 11...Nfd5 12.Ne4+/–. 11...Be7. End of round 1 (chess) 12.Ne5??
White makes an error the first move after the boxing. 12...Qc7?? Black thinks...and thinks... but incredibly doesn't notice he can win a piece! Those punches really must have an effect! 12...Qxd4+! 13.Kh1 Qxe5 would win a pawn & knight, thus leaving White 4 whole points ahead. 13.Bf4 Bd6?? 14.Nxg6! hxg6 15.e5! Nh5 16.exd6 Qd7 17.Ne4 Rd8 18.Nc5 Qc8. End of round 3 (chess) 19.Bg5? [19.Nxe6!! fxe6 20.Bxe6 is curtains for Black!] 19...Rxd6 20.Qe3 Nd5 21.Bxd5 Rxd5 22.c4 Rd8 23.Rf2 [23.Bxd8!] 23...0-0 24.Raf1 Rd6? End of round 5 (chess) 25.Bf4? White is having a touch of nerves, and finding it troublesome to finish his opponent off. [25.Be7!] 25...Rdd8 26.Ne4 Rd7 27.Nd6 Qb8
28.Bg3?? [28.Nxf7! Nxf4 29.Ne5+-] 28...Nxg3! With this move, the tables are turned. 29.Qxg3 Qxd6 30.Qxd6 Rxd6–/+ 31.Rd1 Rfd8 32.Rfd2 c5 33.d5 Kh7 34.Kf2 Kh6 35.Ke2 Kg5 36.Rf1 f5 37.Kd1? [37.Rfd1-/+] 37...exd5 38.cxd5 Rxd5 39.Rxd5 Rxd5+ 40.Kc2 b5 41.Re1 Rd7 42.Re5 Rc7 43.Kd3 c4+ 44.Kc3 a6 45.Kb4 Kf6 46.Rd5 Rc6! A beautiful consolidating move to defend Black's weaknesses 47.Rd2 End of round 7 (chess) 47...g5 48.Rf2 g6 49.h3 Ke5 50.Kc3 Rd6 51.Re2+ Kf4 52.Rf2+ Kg3 [52...Ke3! 53.Rf1 Rd3+ 54.Kb4 Rd2-+] 53.Re2 a5 54.a4 Rd3+ 55.Kc2 Rb3 [55...b4!] 56.axb5! Rxb5 57.Kc3 Rb4 58.Rd2 f4 59.Rd5 Rb3+?! [59...Kxg2 60.Rxg5+ Kxh3-+] 60.Kxc4 Rxb2 61.Rxg5+ Kh4? [61...Kh2!!-+] 62.Rxg6= a4 63.Ra6 Ra2
64.g4?? Kxh3. 64...fxg3!–+ I have played both players and can vouch they know the en passant rule. Crazy time confusion and a huge shot of adrenaline in the bloodstream leads to chess excitement that's unique to chessboxing. That's why the crowd love it so much! 65.g5 Kg4 [65...Rg2!] 66.g6! a3?? 67.Kb3 [67.g7!!+-] 67...Ra1 68.Ra8 Kg3 69.Rb8?? Kf3?? Black was running extremely low on time. [69...Rb1+-+] 70.Rd8 Kg4 71.Rg8? End of round 9 (chess) [71.g7!] 71...Kg5 72.g7 Kg6 73.Rf8 Kxg7 74.Rxf4 a2 75.Kb2 Rg1 76.Kxa2 Although Black had 20 seconds remaining compared to White's 3 minutes, the chess referee steps in and declares the game a draw in round 11. The fighters hug each other. Then the boxing referee gives his points decision on the preceding 5 boxing rounds. And the winner is... LIZARRAGA!!!!!! 1/2-1/2. [Click to replay]
White: Rob Gillies Black: Johnny Higginson
The welterweight rookie encounter was between two chessboxing enthusiasts.
TV producer Rob Gillies (right) was making a programme on his chessboxing adventure, as well as raising money for ‘The Railway Children’, a charity which helps runaway children. Johnny Higginson (left) is political editor of London’s Metro newspaper, and last year interviewed Prime Minister Gordon Brown in his residence, 10 Downing Street, prior to the G20 conference in London. Higginson has also written a satirical play, ‘Stiffed!’, on the UK’s political Expenses Scandal, which will run in London’s Tabard Theatre from 14 April 2010, in the run-up to the general election.
Both Higginson (pictured above) and Gillies were on the lower rungs of the
competitive chess ladder. This was fantastic for the general public, who could
easily understand what was going on by simply counting the pieces.
As usual the fight started with the chess; Gillies was White and played an unorthodox
opening attack with his queen. If 2.Qh5 were to lead to a quick checkmate, it
would go down in history as The Boston Dome Attack! Higginson, however, thwarted
those ambitions by chasing the queen away. After further adventures over all
corners of the board, the excitement peaked in round three when Higginson carelessly
lost his queen but recaptured it a few moves later with a cunning trick –
he had disguised his queen’s bishop as a big pawn! From covering Westminster’s
political machinations, he has clearly learnt how to get himself out of a scrape!
Then back to the boxing, where the fitter Gillies showed plenty of pluck
against the
taller Higginson, knocking him down in round four.
In round five, Higginson gained a decisive advantage on the board with a knight fork and was destined to queen a passed pawn. Gillies knew he needed a KO in round six and came close to doing so when an exhausted Higginson ran out of steam. But the parliamentary journalist survived and mopped up chess victory in round seven. Higginson will undoubtedly have something interesting to talk about the next time he meets the Prime Minister! Click here to replay the game.
Gillies,Rob (800) - Higginson,Johnny (800) [C00]
ChessBoxing London, 13.03.2010 [Rajko Vujatovic]
This game is a real curiosity in a duel that showed more twists than an Agatha Christie novel! Johnny Higginson is the talented young political correspondent of London's Metro newspaper, whilst Rob Gillies is a successful TV producer. Both gentlemen are keen casual players new to competitive chess, and had taken up the chessboxing challenge to make all their moves in 8 minutes. This was accelerated chessboxing with a maximum of 7 rounds: 4 chess rounds and 3 boxing rounds. 1.e4 e6 2.Qh5 An eccentric opening from TV producer Gillies, who was making a light-hearted documentary on his chessboxing initiation. 2...g6 3.Qf3 d5 4.d3 Nf6 5.Bf4 Bd6?
6.Bxd6? 6.e5! is a nice fork. 6...Qxd6?? 7.d4?? [7.Qxf6!] 7...0-0?? For several moves, both players remain blissfully unaware that White can win a piece with Qxf6, whilst Black has ...Nxe4 at his disposal. 8.Bb5 c6 9.Ba4 b5 10.Bb3 Na6 11.Ne2 Nb4 12.0-0 Ba6 13.Nf4 dxe4! At last... Black notices the danger before White! 14.Qe3 Ng4 15.Qxe4 End of round 1 (chess). 15...Rae8 16.c3 Nd5 17.Nd2?? Nxf4! The wily political correspondent wins a knight. 18.h3 Nf6 [18...Ne2+!! is an advanced combination for this level, but could've ended proceedings after 19.Qxe2 Qh2#] 19.Qf3 b4 20.Nc4 bxc3?? 21.Nxd6! In the chaos, Black blunders his queen. 21...Ne2+ 22.Qxe2?? White offers to return the favour. 22...Bxe2! The Black bishop looked like a big pawn on the wings, but now comes into its own. 23.Nxe8 Bxf1 24.bxc3?? [24.Nxf6+! keeps White well ahead since the capture comes with check.] 24...Nxe8 25.Kxf1 Nf6 26.Ba4 Rc8 End of round 3 (chess). After an extraordinary melee, the chessboxing gladiators have reached complete material balance. 27.Rb1 Ne4 28.c4??
28...Nd2+! The final turning point nets a rook. From this moment on, Higginson hammers home the advantage. 29.Ke2 Nxb1 30.Bc2 Na3 31.Bd3 a5 32.f4 f6 33.d5 cxd5 34.cxd5 exd5 35.Ba6 Rc2+ 36.Kd3 Rc5 37.Bb7 g5 38.fxg5 fxg5 39.Kd4 Rc4+ 40.Kxd5 h5 41.Kd6 Rc2 42.Bd5+ Kg7 43.g4 Rc3 44.gxh5 Kh6 45.h4 gxh4 46.Bf7 h3 End of round 5 (chess). 47.Bd5 h2 48.Ke7 Rc1 49.Kf8 h1Q 50.Ke7 Qxd5 51.Ke8 Re1+ White is close to being mated so resigns. Johnny Higginson is the winner! 0-1. [Click to replay]
Pictures by James Bartosik
New Chessboxing season starts in London 27.02.2010 – Top of the bill is a thrilling heavyweight encounter between Sergio “The Phoenix” Leveque from Italy and Dutchman, Hubert Van Melick. Chessboxing entails alternating sessions of four minutes at the chessboard and two in the boxing ring. You can win by checkmate or knockout. In two weeks the new season begins, with the first fights in London. Press release and videos. |
Swedish ChessBoxing Sensation in London 28.06.2009 – London hasn’t been this crazy about a Swede since the heady days of Bjorn Borg at Wimbledon. This was undoubtedly the best chessboxing night yet seen in the UK; there was a superlative headline bout between two of the world's leading chessboxers, controversy involving an illegal move, the flamboyant Red Kite, and an England vs Germany match. Pictorial report with annotated games. |
Chessboxing Triumph in London 19.11.2008 – This hybrid sport, with four-minute sessions of chess interspersed with three minutes of boxing, is the brainchild of Dutch event artist Iepe Rubingh. The match ends in checkmate or knockout. Chessboxing is fast becoming a world-wide phenomenon, overtaking chess in the number of spectators it can attract. The latest match took place in London. Pictorial report. |
Reb Fountain's Chess Boxing single 03.10.2008 – It sounds unlikely: a Kiwi singer who makes "soul music that is real and heartfelt and pure and connects with people because it sounds good and feels great," has been inspired in her new album by – chess boxing. "It is quite beautiful, people boxing and then coming to the chessboard bleeding profusely. I like the idea of that." Video report. |
Chessboxing in London’s East End 12.09.2008 – The UK’s first chessboxing extravaganza kicked off on a sultry summer’s night on 15 August in the East End of London. Famous for Jack the Ripper, Pearly Kings and Queens, and 1960’s gangsters, the area is now the hub of a vibrant night scene. Rajko Vujatovic gives his inside account as chess arbiter on the night, whilst Tim Woolgar offers a unique first hand report of his debut chessboxing bout. |
The Russians are coming – in chessboxing 09.07.2008 – Having enjoyed recent success in soccer, basketball and ice hockey, Russia is now also able to boast a world champion in the little-known sport of chessboxing. Russia's Nikolai Sazhin, a 19-year-old mathematics student from the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, defeated light heavyweight defending champion Frank Stoldt, a 37-year-old policeman from Germany, to lift the world chess boxing title. |
Chessboxing World Championship 2008 in Berlin 03.07.2008 – In October there is one between Anand and Kramnik in Bonn. But that will be peaceful compared to the World Championship that is scheduled in Berlin this weekend. There four minutes of chess are interspersed with three minutes of violent pugilistic activities. We bring you photos and videos – and we also found out what FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov thinks about this sport. |
American fighter takes on German champ in Chessboxing 14.10.2007 – David “Double D” Depto and “Anti Terror” Frank Stoldt will meet for the World Championship in Chessboxing. Six rounds of speed chess and five rounds of boxing will take place alternatingly. In a maximum of eleven rounds, the decision will come either through K.O. or check mate. The match takes place on November 3rd 2007 in Berlin, Germany. Press announcement. |
Vladimir Kramnik: World Championship Chess (and boxing) 12.07.2007 – After winning the Dortmund Super-GM Vladimir Kramnik travelled to Hamburg to produce his first DVD in the ChessBase Media System, recording over six hours of video material that traces his path to the top of the chess world. After finishing he rushed to Cologne to support his chess playing friend Vladimir Klitschko, who was defending his world championship title in boxing. Pictorial report. |
Chess playing boxer Klitschko retains heavyweight title 12.03.2007 – Vladimir Klitschko is a Ukrainian IBF heavyweight world boxing champion with a PhD in sports science and an avid interest in chess. On Saturday he fought American challenger Ray Austin and dropped him with a flurry of left hooks 87 seconds into the second round. Next people hope to see a unification fight against WBC champion Nikolai Valuev. Watch Saturday's fight. |
The kick boxing women's chess champion 13.12.2006 – The winner of the Ukrainian Women's Championship 2006 was not one of the very strong top seeds, but WGM Oksana Vozovic, a law student who is also a kick boxer and karate champion. Oksana, who won the women's chess title on tiebreak points, is still trying to decide which area of expertise she will pursue professionally. Illustrated report by GM Mikhail Golubev. |
Chessboxing on ESPN, Playboy and Maxim 27.06.2006 – This unusual sport, in which two competitors face each other in 11 alternating rounds, six of chess, five of boxing, is rapidly gaining popularity. You know that is the case when you see chessboxing on the front page of a leading sports web site, and as a major story in a number of men's magazines. Check out the ESPN video footage. |
Klitschko checkmates Byrd to win IBF title 24.04.2006 – Vladimir Klitschko, the younger of the world champion heavyweight boxing brothers, took the new International Boxing Federation title on Friday night, defeating Chris Byrd of the US by technical knockout in the seventh round. The Klitschkos are great chess fans and promised their friend Vladimir Kramnik, who was present at the fight, to attend his matches. |
Chess Champion Talks Boxing 01.03.2005 – We have always known that the two have a lot in common. Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik and co., they are so very close to Lewis, Spinks, De La Hoya, the Klitschkos. Brain and brawn, the perfect match. An article in the Black Athlete Sports Network confirms our views. Here's the story and some philosophical musings on chess and boxing. |
Chess and boxing champions 10.07.2004 – 77 days to go for the classical chess world championship between Vladimir Kramnik and Peter Leko (Sept. 25 to Oct 18 2004 in Brissago). The sponsors, the Swiss tobacco manufacturer Dannemann, have announced that the boxing champs Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko will be visiting the match. Press release. |
Chess Boxing: the Tokyo Fight 03.05.2004 – Last year Iepe the Joker won the World Chess Boxing Championship. Now Iepe (29, 1.80m, 74kg) has defended his title against a Japanese challenger, Soichiro the Cho-Yabai (22, 1.77m, 70kg) in a bout staged at the famous "Time & Style" venue in Tokyo. Pictorial report... |