Super Final R4: Kasparov misses win, Grischuk doesn't

by ChessBase
11/18/2004 – There was plenty of drama on two boards today in the Russian Championship. First 60-year-old Vitaly Tseshkovsky hung on well against super-GM Alexander Grischuk, 39 years his junior, only to spoil it at move 55. And Garry Kasparov overlooked a simple win to draw against rooky Alexander Motylev. Flash report...

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57th Russian Championship
Super Final

November 14th – December 1st 2004

The Super Final of the 57th Russian is being held in the Festive Hall of the Hotel Rossija (“Rociya”), directly adjacent to the Red Square. The prize sum is US $125,000, to be paid out in rouble equivalent. The winner takes $50,000. The participants of this round robin tournament are Garry Kasparov, Alexander Morozevich, Alexander Grischuk, Peter Svidler, Evgeny Bareev, Alexey Dreev, Vitaly Tseshkovsky, Alexander Motylev, Vladimir Epishin, Artem Timofeev and Alexey Korotylev. Originally Vladimir Kramnik and Anatoly Karpov were included, but both withdrew at the last moment.

Round four – Thursday, November 18, 2004

The cliffhanger of the day was the game Kasparov-Motylev, which went on until about 10:30 p.m. local time and lasted 76 moves. Kasparov pressed hard, and at one stage he had a clear win. See for yourself:

Kasparov,G (2813) - Motylev,A (2651) [C42]
57th ch-RUS Moscow RUS (4), 18.11.2004

25-year-old Alexander Motylev has just advanced his c-pawn, and our ChessBase 9.0 threat animation immediately displays the cruncher: 54.Rxh5, with the threat 55.Rh7+ and mate to follow. Black has no sensible defence, e.g. 54...Kc7 55.Rh7+ Kb8 56.Rb6+ Ka8 57.Rxb3 and White is a rook and pawn up. But Kasparov, who had been working for a long time on a plan a few moves earlier, continued with 54.Rc6 h4 55.Rb1 Rg3+ 56.Kf4 Nd4 57.Rb7+ Kd8 58.Ra6 Kc8 59.Rh7 Kb8 and ultimately the game ended in a very frustrating draw for the world's number one player.

Bareev-Dreev was drawn in 21 moves, Korotylev-Epishin lasted 27 uneventful moves, while Morozevich and Svidler, who had both lost on the previous day, took 25. The only decisive game was Grischuk-Tseshkovsky, in which the veteran GM hung on against his 40 years younger opponent for 55 moves.

Grischuk,A (2704) - Tseshkovsky,V (2577) [B07]
57th ch-RUS Moscow RUS (4), 18.11.2004

Tseshkovsky has just played 55...b5 to dislodge the rook, but ran into 56.Rxc5 dxc5 57.Rd1, pinning the knight. If 57...Kg8 58.Bxb5 Kf8 59.Bc4 and the knight is lost. Tseshkovsky resigned after 57...b4 58.Bc4 Kg8 59.Rxd5.

Round four – 18.11.2004
Grischuk, Alexander
1-0 Tseshkovsky, Vitaly
Kasparov, Garry
1/2 Motylev, Alexander
Morozevich, Alexander
1/2 Svidler, Peter
Korotylev, Alexey
1/2 Epishin, Vladimir
Bareev, Evgeny
1/2 Dreev, Alexey
Timofeev, Artyom free
Games for replay and download

Current standings

Grischuk +2
Dreev +1
Timofeev +1
Kasparov +1
Korotylev +1
Epishin 0
Svidler 0
Bareev –1
Tseshkovsky –1
Morozevich –2
Motylev –2

Friday, November 19 is a rest day for all players.

All Results

Round one – 15.11.2004
Dreev, Alexey
Timofeev, Artyom
Epishin, Vladimir
Morozevich, Alexander
Kasparov, Garry
Bareev, Evgeny
Motylev, Alexander
Grischuk, Alexander
Tseshkovsky, Vitaly
Svidler, Peter
Korotylev, Alexey free
Round two – 16.11.2004
Grischuk, Alexander
Epishin, Vladimir
Timofeev, Artyom
Tseshkovsky, Vitaly
Korotylev, Alexey
Kasparov, Garry
Morozevich, Alexander
Dreev, Alexey
Bareev, Evgeny
Motylev, Alexander
Svidler, Peter free
Round three – 17.11.2004
Svidler, Peter
0-1 Timofeev, Artyom
Dreev, Alexey
1/2 Grischuk, Alexander
Epishin, Vladimir
1/2 Bareev, Evgeny
Tseshkovsky, Vitaly
1-0 Morozevich, Alexander
Motylev, Alexander
0-1 Korotylev, Alexey
Kasparov, Garry free
Round four – 18.11.2004
Grischuk, Alexander
1-0 Tseshkovsky, Vitaly
Kasparov, Garry
1/2 Motylev, Alexander
Morozevich, Alexander
1/2 Svidler, Peter
Korotylev, Alexey
1/2 Epishin, Vladimir
Bareev, Evgeny
1/2 Dreev, Alexey
Timofeev, Artyom free
Round five – 20.11.2004
Svidler, Peter
Grischuk, Alexander
Dreev, Alexey
Korotylev, Alexey
Timofeev, Artyom
Morozevich, Alexander
Epishin, Vladimir
Kasparov, Garry
Tseshkovsky, Vitaly
Bareev, Evgeny
Motylev, Alexander free

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