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The 37th "Bosna" tournament took place from May 18th to 28th, 2007, in Sarajevo. This is the capital city and the urban center of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). The city, which is surrounded by the Dinaric Alps, is famous for its traditional religious diversity, with adherents of Islam, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Judaism peacefully coexisting there for centuries.
The annual GM tournament, which in the past had achieved absolute supertournament status (with Kasparov participating), was a double round robin with six very strong players: Alexander Morozevich (RUS 2762), Nigel Short (ENG 2691), Artyom Timofeev (RUS 2658), Ivan Sokolov (NED 2655), Sergei Movsesian (SVK 2642), and Borki Predojevic (BIH 2609).
The tournament was practically a start-to-finish victory for the 29-year-old Armenian-Slovakian GM Sergei Movsesian, who scored a point more than his nearest rival and did not lose any games. Movsesian's performance was 2782. The other stars of the event, Morozevich and Short, played less successfully (Nigel was indisposed during the tournament), while Ivan Sokolov played as one could have expected him to.
The event setting, with a B-tournament being played parallel to the main
The winner, GM Sergei Movsesian, playing for Slovakia, rated 2642
Top seed Morozevich draws against Pedrojevic in the final round
Ivan Sokolov, originally from Bosnia, about to defeat Timofeev with black
Nigel Short drew the winner Movsesian in the final round
A key encounter in round four: Movsesian beats Morozevich with black
Sarajevo at night
Pictures supplied by Lejla Huseinovic