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Willy Iclicki writes:
Alexy Shirov was right to insist on the publication of this rapid list. He now shares the lead with Kasparov and Adams. His rating could be even higher, but I could not include his strong result at Villarrobledo, because unfortunately the organizers never send me the final cross-table.
lost 9 points mainly because of its poor performance at the match Russia vs.
Rest of the World, one of his worst result in chess. Kramnik did the same. Lautier
lost 20 places and Morozevich make the biggest jump, he is now 8th. Radjabov,
who did so well this year, becomes the best junior.
By the way, looking at the standing, it seems that the victory of the Rest of the World was not an accident, as only two Russian players are in the top ten! Well done Yasser, but next time don't forget Tkachiev and Kasimdzahnov for a while they have been close or in to the top ten.
For this period, all top tournaments were included: Monaco, Prague, Moscow, Dubai, Russia vs. Rest of World and some matches like Anand- Ponomariov, Shirov-Topalov etc. Thanks to those who support the rapid rating. See you next February.
No NAT ID Name Elo Elo date
1 ESP 00001 Shirov Alexis 279 20-Sep-02
2 RUS 00012 Kasparov Gary 279 20-Sep-02
3 ENG 00002 Adams Michael 279 20-Sep-02
4 IND 00001 Anand Vichy 278 20-Sep-02
5 BUL 00001 Topalov Veselin 277 20-Sep-02
6 ISR 00001 Gelfand Boris 277 20-Sep-02
7 HUN 00005 Leko Peter 275 20-Sep-02
8 RUS 00021 Morozevich Alexander 274 20-Sep-02
9 UKR 00001 Ivanchuk Vassily 274 20-Sep-02
10 FRA 00008 Tkachiev Vladislav 273 20-Sep-02
11 UZB 00001 Kasimdzahnov Rustam 272 20-Sep-02
12 BIH 00002 Sokolov Ivan 272 20-Sep-02
13 RUS 00002 Kramnik Vladimir 270 20-Sep-02
14 USA 00008 Kamsky Gata 270 25-Sep-99
15 FRM 00001 Georgiev Kiril 270 20-Sep-02
16 RUS 00003 Karpov Anatoly 270 20-Sep-02
17 HUN 00014 Chernin Alexander 269 23-Mar-02
18 RUS 00020 Rublevsky Sergei 269 20-Sep-02
19 AZE 00001 Radjabov Teimour 269 20-Sep-02
20 RUS 00015 Khalifman Alexander 269 20-Sep-02
21 RUS 00022 Bareev Evgeny 268 20-Sep-02
22 GEO 00001 Azmaiparashvili Zurab 268 20-Sep-02
23 RUS 00054 Grischuk Alexander 267 20-Sep-02
24 UKR 00008 Ponomariov Ruslan 267 20-Sep-02
25 NED 00006 Timman Jan 266 20-Sep-02
26 FRA 00001 Lautier Joel 266 20-Sep-02
27 RUS 00001 Svidler Peter 266 20-Sep-02
28 RUS 00023 Salov Valery 265 01-Jun-99
29 RUS 00019 Shipov Sergei 265 23-Mar-02
30 RUS 00041 Ibragimov Ildar 265 23-Mar-02
31 SUI 00002 Milov Vadim 265 20-Sep-02
32 RUS 00078 Kharlov Andrei 265 16-Mar-02
33 BLR 00001 Fedorov Alexei 265 25-Jun 99
34 CZE 00001 Movsesian Sergei 265 20-Sep-02
35 FRA 00002 Bacrot Etienne 265 20-Sep-02
36 ARM 00004 Akopian Vladimir 265 20-Sep-02
37 ISR 00002 Smirin Ilya 264 20-Sep-02
38 USA 00015 Gulko Boris USA 264 23-Mar-02
39 ISR 00112 Sutovsky Emil 264 20-Sep-02
40 RUS 00013 Dreev Alexey 264 20-Sep-02
41 NED 00002 Piket Jeroen 264 20-Sep-02
42 GEO 00004 Giorgadze Giorgi 264 25-June99
43 BEL 00001 Gurevich Mikhail 263 22-Sep-02
44 UKR 00024 Baklan Vladimir 263 23-Mar-02
45 ENG 00009 Speelman Jonathan 263 25-Sep-01
46 SLO 00003 Beliavsky Alexander 262 20-Sep-02
47 POL 00004 Krasenkow Michael 262 25-Jun-01
48 RUS 00060 Pigusov Evgeny 262 25-Jun-01
49 FRA 00110 Spassky Boris 262 23-Mar-02
50 HUN 00006 Almasi Zoltan 262 20-Sep-02
51 SWE 00001 Andersson Ulf 262 25-Jun-99
52 USA 00019 Shabalov Alex 262 23-Mar-02
53 RUS 00005 Epishin Vladimir 262 23-Mar-02
54 ISL 00005 Hjartarsson Johann 262 01-Jul-00
55 ARM 00006 Minasian Artashes 261 01-Jul-00
56 BRA 00003 Leitao Rafael 261 25-Jul-01
57 LTU 00001 Gavrikov Viktor 261 20-Sep-02
58 RUS 00072 Landa Kontantin 261 23-Mar-02
59 HUN 00016 Gyimesi Zoltan 261 23-Mar-02
60 SWE 00005 Agrest Evgenij 261 23-Mar-02
61 ISR 00009 Psakhis Lev 261 23-Mar-02
62 RUS 00039 Svesnikov Evgeny 261 20-Sep-02
63 USA 00003 Seirawan Yasser 261 20-Sep-02
64 EST 00001 Ehlvest Jan 261 20-Sep-02
65 BIH 00001 Nikolic Pedrag 261 20-Sep-02
66 ENG 00011 Lalic Bogdan 260 23-Mar-02
67 USA 00014 Serper Grigory 260 25-Jul-01
68 SVK 00001 Ftacnik Lubomir 260 01-Sep-99
69 BUL 00013 Kolev Atanas 260 23-Mar-02
70 RUS 00028 Kobalija Mikhail 260 23-Mar-02
71 UKR 00010 Savchenko Stanislav 260 23-Mar-02
72 SUI 00001 Korchnoi Viktor 260 23-Mar-02
73 RUS 00017 Dolmatov Sergey 260 25-Jun-99
74 GER 00133 Seul Georg Germany 260 23-Mar-02
75 RUS 00014 Zvjaginsev Vadim 260 20-Sep-02
76 UKR 00025 Shneider Aleksander 260 23-Mar-02
77 POL 00003 Macieja Bartlomiej 260 22-Sep-02
78 ARM 00007 Anastasian Ashot 260 23-Mar-02
79 AUS 00001 Rogers Ian Austalia 259 23-Mar-02
80 NED 00016 Tiviakov Sergei 259 22-Sep-02
81 SLO 00007 Sermek Drazen 259 23-Mar-02
82 ISR 00010 Huzman Alexander 259 25-Jul-01
83 RUS 00038 Filippov Valeri 259 19-Jul-01
84 HUN 00012 Ribli Zoltan 259 25-Jun-99
85 ISR 00003 Greenfeld Alon 259 25-Jul-01
86 RUS 00044 Najer Evgenij 259 23-Mar-02
87 IND 00005 Sasikiran Krishan 259 20-Sep-02
88 RUS 00056 Rustemov Alexander 259 23-Mar-02
89 RUS 00018 Sakaev Konstantin 259 23-Mar-02
90 USA 00001 Gurevich Ilya 259 01-èþí-99
91 UKR 00027 Brodsky Michail 259 25-ÿíâ-01
92 CUB 00004 Dominguez Lenier 259 23-Mar-02
93 FRA 00003 Dorfman Iossif 259 25-ÿíâ-01
94 CRO 00008 Cviltan Ognjen 259 25-ÿíâ-01
95 ARM 00009 Aronian Levon 259 23-Mar-02
96 USA 00009 Benjamin Joel 259 25-ÿíâ-01
97 ESP 00007 Vallejo Pons N 259 23-Mar-02
98 YUG 00001 Ljubojevic Ljubomir 259 20-Sep-02
99 ROM 00010 Istratescu Andrei 258 23-Mar-02
100 ARM 00003 Asrian Levon 258 25-June99
101 FRA 00010 Fressinet Laurent 258 20-Sep-02
102 GER 00126 Jussupov Artur 258 20-Sep-02
103 RUS 00024 Ulibin Mikhail 258 01-èþë-00
104 RUS 00055 Malakhov Vladimir 258 25-ÿíâ-01
105 ISR 00050 Gofshtein Leonid D 258 23-Mar-02
106 DEN 00001 Nielsen Peter Heine 258 25-June99
107 GER 00131 Lobron Eric Germany 258 23-Mar-02
108 UKR 00021 Onischuk Alexander 258 20-Sep-02
109 KAZ 00003 Vladimirov Evgeny 258 23-Mar-02
110 UKR 00020 Timoshenko Georgy 258 23-Mar-02
111 ENG 00008 Short Nigel 258 20-Sep-02
112 LTU 00005 Kveinys Aloyzas 258 23-Mar-02
113 SUI 00004 Gallagher Joseph G. 258 01-èþë-00
114 CHN 00044 Ye Jiangchun 258 20-Sep-02
115 CHN 00007 Zhang Zhong 258 23-Mar-02
116 SWE 00007 Hellers Ferdinand 258 23-Mar-02