'The best game of the last 20 years'...

by ChessBase
1/16/2010 – ... Jan Timman wrote about this encounter between two absolute top grandmasters of the 70s and 80s. Here Black played 21...Bb5 and later succumbed in a remarkable attack. How would you assess the position after 21...Nxc7 instead? A) The second player maintains his plus pawn without risk; B) White gets the advantage; C) the result is a draw by perpetual check. The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

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How would you assess the position if Black played 21...Nxc7 in the diagrammed position?

A) The second player maintains his plus pawn without risk;
B) White gets the advantage;
C) the result is a draw by perpetual check.

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