From our CBM Blog – Tricky knight tactics

by ChessBase
4/7/2011 – Botvinnik's guideline that knight endings are like pawn endings has good points, as zugzwang and outside passed pawns play a major role here as well. But there are also differences due to the tactical possibilities of the knight, as seen in Aleksandrov-Flear and Lobzhanidze-Fejzullahu, Aix-au-Bains 2011. Our resident endgame specialist GM Karsten Müller gives us a lesson in knight play.

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The Barrier

Botvinnik's guideline that knight endings are like pawn endings has good points, as zugzwang and outside passed pawns play a major role here as well. But there are also differences due to the tactical possibilities of the knight:

Note that in the replay windows below you can click on the notation to follow the game.

Tricky Knight Tactics

As in an endgame the relative value of a knight is lower than that of a bishop compared to the pawns usually precise manovering is called for:

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