106 years ago ...

by ChessBase
1/16/2013 – At the sight of Black's bishop pair firing at the white king position in the splendid game Aronian-Anand in Wijk aan Zee yesterday many kibitzers kept quoting the classic Rotlewi-Rubinstein, so here is a little reminiscence. A move of which piece quickly led to victory for the second player? A) Rc8 B) Rd8 C) Ng4 ChessBase Magazine, larger diagram and solution.

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106 years ago ...

At the sight of Black's bishop pair firing at the white king position in the splendid game Aronian-Anand in Wijk aan Zee yesterday many kibitzers kept quoting the classic Rotlewi-Rubinstein, so here is a little reminiscence. In the diagram position (after 22.g3), a move of which piece quickly led to victory for the second player?

A) Rc8
B) Rd8
C) Ng4


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